What we believe

Our queer family members are leading this movement to end religious abuse by rising up to reclaim their DIVINE rights and Spirit-given wholeness, on their terms. Our DIVINE Soul Bill Rights is a list of rights your soul already knows. Comprised of 8 guiding principles, the DIVINE Soul Bill of Rights codifies the divine nature of every human and counters the dehumanizing and oppressive doctrine common with institutional religion.

The DIVINE Soul’s Bill of Rights™

Each soul is equal in ALL aspects, divine, sovereign, unique; created with a birthright to explore; know our divinity without interference of any kind and flourish as we are created. 

You have the right to:

  • No one determines your morals and ethics based on their interpretation of biblical sin.

  • No one can call your innate sexuality and creativity deficiencies.

  • No one has the right to gaslight you into doubting your heart and intuition.

  • No one has the right to decide or condemn your chosen path.

  • No one determines the gender or names you use for g_d.

  • No one can force you into a system that does not serve your soul.

  • No one should ever make you “pay to play”.

  • No one can sell you “ the secret formula”.

Reach out.