Get Involved

Be a Volunteer Difference Maker!

We are seeking awesome people, across our beautiful spectrum, to invest in a cause where your time and talents will make a huge impact in the lives of millions of queer people impacted by religious abuse and trauma.

Our volunteer opportunities are ideal for the person who is looking to apply their rich experience and wisdom without the need of compensation to enjoy their life.

Volunteering for DIVINE All Along empowers you to be an agent of change, making a positive impact on the lives of those who have faced discrimination within religious frameworks. In return, you can be assured of a deeply meaningful and impactful experience for several reasons…

  • Social Impact.

    Volunteering allows you to contribute directly to the well-being and empowerment of our queer family members. By working towards ending religious abuse, you actively participate in creating a safer and more inclusive environment for queer individuals.

  • Passion and Purpose.

    If you are passionate about human rights, social justice, and equality, volunteering for an organization with a specific focus on ending religious abuse aligns with your values. This provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment as you contribute to a cause you deeply care about.

  • Community Building.

    Volunteering in a start-up environment allows you to be part of building a community from the ground up. You'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a commitment to fighting against religious abuse within the queer community, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity.

  • Learning and Growth.

    In a start-up non-profit, volunteers often wear multiple hats, gaining exposure to various aspects of organizational development. This can lead to valuable learning experiences and personal growth as you navigate the challenges and successes of a growing initiative.

  • Advocacy Skills.

    Volunteering for a human rights organization involved in ending religious abuse provides a platform to develop and enhance advocacy skills. This may include public speaking, writing, and grassroots organizing, all of which are valuable in promoting awareness and change.

  • Visibility and Representation

    By contributing your time and efforts to this cause, you actively contribute to increasing visibility and representation for the queer community. This can help challenge stereotypes, reduce stigma, and promote a more inclusive understanding of diverse identities within religious contexts.