My Drug Dealer Brought Me to God

In "My Drug Dealer Brought Me to God," Allen recounts his quest to find meaning, self-acceptance, and his life's purpose. He battles addiction, the heartache of disappointment, toxic relationships, and alienation from his family. One day his co-worker, roommate, friend, and drug dealer, Marie, shares her belief that God made everyone for a purpose and wants us to be ourselves. The conversation ignites Allen's new understanding of how faith can be inclusive while stepping into his own definition of God.

Becoming a parent and the desire to be a positive role model for his daughter is a turning point. With God as the focal point of his spiritual journey, Allen comes to understand that change has to start from within. He breaks the cycle of family trauma and recognizes his true mission: to teach, support, motivate, and lead other people to love. He learns to balance his faith while affirming and being a warrior for the LGBTQ+ community. Allen's honesty and courage in telling his story is an inspiring message to us all that everyone has a story to share, and by sharing our collective stories we can all grow and heal.

by Ryan Joseph Allen